Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

How To Find The Right Device Drivers

Unknown Device

Finding the right device drivers, it doesn't matter if it is a printer driver, modem driver or a USB driver can be time consuming, and often impossible task! Driver Identifier was created because most times drivers are difficult to find or the manufacturer has stopped supplying the drivers. We have compiled a massive database of drivers that makes it your one stop driver site!. Here is what we will do for you:

DirverIdentifier will scan your hardwares using a unique technology. It will indicate the name of the manufacturer , version of your devices.

DriverIdentifier has huge database of drivers from all hardware manufacturers. It will give you the most updated drivers for your machine.

How To Use:
  • Step 1
When the prompt window pops up, click the "Save File" button. Driver Identifier will be downloaded to a location on your computer. Download file Size: 920KB.
Download Step1
  • Step 2
When the download is complete, double click the file driveridentifier_setup.exe in your specified folder. Follow the descriptions within the installer to complete the installation.
Step 2
  • Step 3
You're almost ready to begin with Driver Identiffier, chechk all "Launch Driver Identifier" and click Finish

  • Step 4
Done! Driver Identifier is installed successfully. Click on Scan Drivers to get your most updated drivers.
Step 4

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